Loo table,
South Australia, c. 1860,
red cedar, pine,
74 x 121 cm.
Purchased with funds raised by the South Australia Committee of The Australiana Fund, 1983. 1983.8
C Troedel & Co., established 1863, after an original painting by Robert Wendel,
active 1860–1881,
View of Sydney and the harbour from Mossman’s Bay,
Melbourne, Victoria, 1880,
coloured lithograph,
39.5 x 60 cm.
Purchased 1982. 1982.3
Sydney International Exhibition Building and Gardens,
Australia, c.1879–1880,
oil on canvas,
54.5 x 66.5 cm.
Purchased 1983.1983.2
Henry Nelson O’Neil, England, 1817– 1880,
The parting cheer ,England, 1861,
oil on canvas,
44.5 x 64 cm.
Purchased with funds donated by The Utah Foundation, 1978. 1978.22
Rene Raimonde, 1828-1899,
Tasmania, c.1887,
oil on canvas,
50 x 90.5 cm.
Provenance: James Gibson, Councillor for Campbell Town Municipality and MLC for South Esk, Tasmania (c1884).
Purchased with funds raised by The Australiana Fund Committee in Tasmania, 1983. 1983.1
Centre table,
Queensland, c.1875,
Huon pine, tulipwood, Queensland kauri pine, red cedar, brass,
75 x 141 x 110.2 cm.
Purchased with funds raised by the Queensland Committee of The Australiana Fund, 1985. 1985.3
Peter Thomle, Denmark/Australia, arrived 1875,
Specimen occasional table,
Brisbane, Queensland, 1879,
various Australian timbers,
76 x 64 cm.
Purchased 1986. 1986.1
Sydney International Exhibition Medal,
Engravers: Joseph Shepherd Wyon, England, 1836–1873, and Alfred Benjamin Wyon, England, 1837–1884,
London, England, 1879,
7.5 cm.
Purchased 1981. 1981.6
commemorating the opening of the First Federal Parliament 9 May 1901,
Gold, silk, enamel,
8.3 cm, 25.6gms
in fitted case 10.5 x 6 x 2 cm.
Provenance: HRH Princess Victoria Alexandra (1868-1935), and by gift or descent to her niece, HRH The Princess Mary, Princess Royal, Countess of Harewood (1897-1965) and by descent at Harewood House, Yorkshire.
Purchased to celebrate The Australiana Fund's 40th Anniversary with funds donated by Members and Supporters, 2019. 2020.1
Sampson Smith Ltd, 1846–1963,
Frank Gardiner,
Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire, England, c.1874,
23 x 17.5 x 6 cm.
Donated by Mrs Ruth Simpson under the Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme, 1989. 1989.8
After an engraving by Edwin Weedon 1819-1873,
The Great Australia clipper ship, Sunderland, England, c.1860,
24 x 29 x 22.7 cm.
Purchased with funds donated by Ms Stella Downer, 1993. 1993.8
Minnie Annois, born 1873,
Embroidered sampler, Freemantle, West Australia, 1884, ,
wool on linen, ,
75 x 75 cm. ,
Purchased 1982. 1982.10
Joachim Matthias Wendt, Denmark/ Australia, 1830–1917, arrived 1854,
J M Wendt Silversmiths, 1854–1996,
Kettle with burner and stand, Adelaide, South Australia, c.1875,
silver,45 x 24 x 18 cm.
Provenance: made for Henry Rymill 1837–1927, then owned by descent.
Donated by Mrs A Lendon under the Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme, 1979.1979.10
William Edwards, England/Australia, 1819–c.1889, arrived 1857,
Claret jug,
Melbourne, Victoria, c.1861,
silver,43 x 13 cm.
Purchased 2008. 2008.1
Great Cobar Copper Mining Company, established c.1869,
Cobar, New South Wales, 1888,
copper, 15.2 x 6 cm.
Provenance: presented to Sir Henry Parkes GCMG (1815–1896) in August 1888, then by descent.
Purchased 2007. 2007.6
Mounted emu egg, Australia, late 19th century,
emu egg, wood, silver and electroplate (EPNS),
36 x 16 cm.
Provenance: the collection of David Ell, Hunters Hill, New South Wales.
Purchased 1984. 1984.8
Paul Storr, England, 1771–1844,
The Dunston pillar centrepiece – George III, London, 1811,
silver, 79 x 20.5 cm.
Provenance: commissioned and owned by Sir Joseph Banks, then by descent.
Purchased 1992. 1992.7
Thomas Woolner, England, 1825–1892, in Australia 1852–1854, Portrait medallion,
James Macarthur,
[Australia], 1854,
plaster, 20 cm.
Provenance: James Macarthur and the Macarthur family, Camden Park, New South Wales.
Donated by Mr Quentin Macarthur-Stanham under the Taxation Incentives for the Arts Scheme,
1978. 1978.23
John Baird, Scotland/Australia, 1834– 1894,
Two lions (2),
New South Wales, c.1880–1890,
kerosene shale,
31 x 15.5 x 30 cm, 34 x 15 x 30 cm,
Purchased 1986. 1986.7.1–2
Sir (Edgar) Bertram Mackennal, Australia/England, 1863–1931,
London, England, 1894,
bronze, later marble base,
68 x 22.5 cm.
Inscribed on base ‘Mackennal / June 121894 London’.
Purchased 1993. 1993.7